Monday, November 8, 2010

we'll just keep running from tomorrow.

Okay, the daily thing failed, but I'll still try to post as often as I can.

I did sleep early on Friday night, so it wasn't a complete failure... even though I was sleeping early because I had to catch a bus at 7:10 the next morning.  Whatever.  Still counts.

But why a bus at a brutal hour of the morning you ask?  I went to Chicago this past Saturday, just for the one day.  For Lyle Beniga and Ian Eastwood's workshop at Visceral Dance Studio.  It was so awesome.  Ian and Lyle are the most amazing dancers.  You think they're so crazy watching them through your computer screen.  It is jaw-dropping, their skill and the level to which they take their dancing, and seeing it in person, the aura they emit, speechless.

The dances they taught.  Ridiculous.  And even though it was incredibly discouraging that day to see someone at least 5 years younger than me (and someone who was FIVE.  ...okay, maybe seven) totally kill it, I'm gonna get there.  That moment's discouragement will be my fuel.

To grow.  From here on out, never to forget that there is no end to growth, in anything and everything, unless I choose otherwise.  I speak four languages: English, Korean, Spanish, Dance.  At none of these am I perfect.  Although I am further along in some than others, the amount I can improve in each is the same.  Never will I ever master a single one of those languages, but I can come damn close.
This is what dance teaches me.  Dance is more than just moves to me; it's a reminder, of all the things that can be, and that they never come easy.

Lyle Beniga & Ian Eastwood - Young Lions Workshop - 11/08/10

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