Tuesday, October 26, 2010

세상에서 가장 못된...

가장 이기적인 나.

정말... 내가 싫을때가 가끔 있다.

아~ 눈물...
닦아주고 싶다.

그 못...
빼주고 싶다.

그 상처...
지울수 있을까?

샤이니 - 욕 (慾) 

넬 - 믿어선 안될말

Friday, October 15, 2010


---4:40 AM---

Ok.  I'm gonna go to sleep eventually tonight.  But not at the moment.
I seem to (apparently) have this thing where even though I know I'm going to be hella tired the next day, I don't feel the need to hurry to bed.  Yea.  Wtf.

Anyway, I've finished what I meant to finish tonight, and because I spent just about all of this week studying, and because I'm going to spend basically all of next week studying, I've decided to take tomorrow/today off.  yay.

So.. day off means doing choreo... lol.  Which, by the way, I cannot wait for.  I haven't danced in a while thanks to exams, but tomorrow is the day.  Gonna choreo, maybe (hopefully) learn a new dance, and RELAX.  what an idea.

---5:27 AM---

Looks like I'll be downstairs for a little bit more cause the Koreans down here are going outside for a cigarette (go figure) and they need me to open the door for them.  Apparently they don't live here?  Why are they here?  um...

Anyway, I figured out what song I'm going to do choreography for next (I actually just made a tentative mix for the first dance for Nightlife scene - life is so much more productive in the wee hours of the night/morning), AAAnd what dance I want to learn next.  I'm so excited!  Can't wait.

---5:32 AM---

Koreans are back in the building... that was fast.  aaand I'm still not going upstairs yet.  I guess I just wanted to talk about them.  that they smoke.  and they're fast.  cuz that's news.

---5:41 AM---

oh. um.. just cuz I always have a song with my posts...

I actually haven't listened to these guys in a while, and I was reminded of them by their concert poster that was up (they're performing here!), so I went back and listened to them.. and remembered why they're so awesome.

30 Seconds to Mars - Night of the Hunter

---5:50 AM---


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

at war with dream.

So.  Hoping this wakes me up a little bit.

Downloaded a song by Jay Park, and it took me a couple listens to realize that it's actually former 2PM member Jay Park.  I did recognize the name, but listening, I just thought "I didn't know there was another artist named Jay Park."  This was partly because I didn't have a very high opinion of Jay Park's singing, and this one wasn't half bad, so it kinda went against my predisposition.  And part of it was 'cause he's not the only one singing.  But anyhow, it's not half bad.

See for yourself.

Speechless - Jay Park

And he has another single called 'Bestie' that's also decent. Apparently the studio version isn't out yet though, so no vid.

Oh, and this failed at the waking up, but whatever.
I suppose I will go to bed in a little bit..
SIGH. my mortal enemy.  why must you be so difficult?

Monday, October 4, 2010


I really hate losing invaluable points in class for stupid shit that could've been easily avoided.  Like forgetting to do homework.  Fuck that shit.

So, moral... don't forget to do homework.  Make the damned to-do list.  And use it.


This is completely unrelated, but isn't it SO cute?